Thank you for your comments and feedback. This behavior you’re seeing is for articles only, the idea behind it is to encourage people to give the author feedback in a private manner on what can be improved upon so that they can make the necessary changes to the article. This is, as you mentioned, more of a “change of practice”. If somebody thinks there is something wrong with the article, we’re giving them an extra opportunity to help solve the issue.
To clarify further, this is newly implemented on articles only. The reason for this change is to promote and encourage giving feedback to the author when you choose to downvote. Articles are different from Q&A, we assume that most articles will take more effort and willingness from a user to write. We’d like to promote an article being edited and updated so that it can be valued as ‘high quality content’ versus all that initial writing effort going to waste. Users choose to downvote for a variety of reasons, our hope is that users will let the author know why they’re downvoting so that, if possible, the author can make the necessary changes to improve the article. Yes, this is an extra nudge to create a change of practice that we'll be monitoring closely through data and research.
Note that the downvote gets counted as soon as you select the button (while the feedback modal is displayed). You can click ‘Skip’ or anywhere outside the modal to close the feedback modal.
Answer to ‘How private’
The feedback and the user that sent that feedback can be seen by the author, Admins of the collective, any other users the author has added as an editor to the article and (soon to be) Mods (planned feature update coming). Your user ID shows up next to the feedback in the ‘Edit’ mode of the article. Note that all private feedback looks the same to the author regardless how it comes in, they cannot see if a piece of feedback was given by using the feedback button OR by downvoting and providing feedback. The downvote is anonymous, the feedback is not.
How can private feedback be moderated?
Most of the features that are in place for regular comments will be available (soon) to private feedback as well. We’re treating these like comments for now.
Why not just use comments
Not every user is comfortable leaving public comments. We’ve heard this more from newer users that are intimidated by the community (a.k.a. you fine folks ;p ) and afraid of making a mistake. The private feedback was tested in research multiple times and it received very positive results. Users liked the option of sending feedback that only the author would see versus it being public.
Again, we intend to monitor this very closely and have worked with the collective Admins around rules and expectations.
Why not apply this to Q&A
I think it's safe to say that a change like this on Q&A without proper research would not be the best approach. I would consider this 'change in practice' like an experiment. For now, we'd like to look at how this affects an article's lifecycle.