Is MySQL breaking the standard by allowing selecting columns that are not part of the group by clause? was closed 9 years ago or so for being "not constructive".
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion.
It is a common question about MySQL's implementation of GROUP BY
, and has some of the most useful expert answers I have seen on the topic. The answers are from experts, and are well-supported by facts and references. One of the close-voters even added a somewhat useful answer.
The question and answers have been well-received judging by the accumulated votes.
Can it be reopened? I lack the reputation score necessary to cast a reopen vote on this site in the network.
I understand that the modern "opinion-based" close reason could apply these days. That said, we close questions because they create problems, or don't result in content that helps the goal of SO — to create a library of great Q & A — not by a blind application of rigid rules for their own sake.
The close votes were probably warranted at the time they were cast. My contention is that none of the potential undesirable outcomes were encountered in this case. This is a fine example of a long-term useful Q & A that ought to be reopened.
I am hoping that subject-matter experts will vote to reopen this question.
Leaving this valuable Q & A closed detracts from its legitimacy. This might dissuade people from clicking through from a search engine or on-site search results, or demotivate people from curating that page as it deserves. Surely some people include closed:no
in site search e.g. when looking for duplicate targets. Over time, it might become necessary to add a new answer as well.
Thank you all for your considered feedback, the question has now been successfully reopened.