A friendly reminder to all those who need it:
Executing code you found online is BAD!!*
Once more for the people in the back:
Executing code you found online is BAD!!!!!*
There's a great post on the Stack Overflow blog about why you shouldn't clone code from the internet into your projects, but this advice applies even if you're just copying someone's code to answer their question!
Here's an example:
This question appeared on Stack Overflow tonight: My python project is closing when i run it [closed]The question has since been deletedThanks mods!
The question claimed that OP's Python project wouldn't open, and gave some code.
print("Connected server!")
exec(_import__('base64').b64decode(__import__('codecs').getencoder('utf-8')('<some very BAD payload>')[0]))
And then some images of a couple windows.
? Huh, fishy! Trying to execute a base64-encoded string? Something really smells here!
The decoded base64 string contained code to connect to a server, download yet another payload, and exec
that. I'm not brave enough to download that can of worms.
The question in question was promptly edited to hide the malware and closed, so no harm done, but this serves as a great example of why you should never, ever execute code you found online without first understanding what it does -- even if you found it on Stack Overflow!
While I understand that this is common sense and that people should know to treat code they find online with a healthy dose of mistrust, can we add a warning to the FAQ or somewhere that makes this danger clear to people? Can we do more than simply posting a warning to not blindly copy paste code that nobody will read or remember?
* Without first understanding what it does
exec(base64.b64decode("<encoded payload here>")
looks fairly trivial. Not sure about the review queue, maybe just autoposts in SOCVRfeature-request
Add a warning banner on registration to the site: "WARNING! copy-pasting code from SO is done on your own risk. Make sure you understand what it does before running it. SO will not hold responsible for any lost data or damaged hardware"exec(<insert whatever>)