I just encountered this question and thought—there has got to be a duplicate target for this: How to get the dimensions of Base64 encoded image in JavaScript.
I did a Google search (get dimensions of dataurl image site:stackoverflow.com
) and found a lot of related-looking-ones with similar questions and similar answers. It seems like there's probably opportunity for linking these together for the benefit of future readers, either by non-duplicate links (for example, linking via comments), or duplicate links.
- JS - get image width and height from the base64 code
- How to find the base64 image width and height
- Get height and width dimensions from base64 PNG
- Get dimensions from Base64 encoded image
- How can i get the Height and Width of image having base64 string source?
- how to get width height of an base 64 image
Others that look less similar, but which still look related:
- How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript?
- Getting Image Dimensions using Javascript File API
Do any of these make sense to be signposts to other ones? If so, which ones?
I have some knowledge of JavaScript and web APIs, but not enough to feel comfortable initiating anything here.