Recently this question How are one liners not blocked before being asked?, was asked and closed as a duplicate of Does the quality filter work?. The question is indeed a duplicate, but the interesting thing is that the target doesn't have any answers. I was quite surprised to learn that this is possible, since that is different from how it works on main. There are several good reasons for not being able to do this on main of course.
The MSE FAQ describes the rule like this:
On most sites, voting to close a question as a duplicate of another post means that the same question has been asked before and has already been answered. On meta sites, however, ...
... if the same feature has been suggested in the past, but received no answers, it may be closed as a duplicate. To that end, the system will allow users to choose an unanswered question as a target, which is ordinarily not allowed on main Q&A sites.
For meta questions with the primary tag being feature-request or bug, I can sort of see the rationale for allowing this. However, this has the effect of allowing all meta questions to be closed as a duplicate of an unanswered question regardless of the primary tag, and I'm not sure this is always a good idea.
Just a thought, but for discussion questions where the target is relatively old, users might be more likely to see and answer the new question if it were open. Case in point, the new question about quality filters is currently only one vote away from being reopened. I would like to cast that final reopen vote, but first I'd like to understand the rationale behind why the question could even be closed in the first place, to ensure that I don't vote to reopen a post that should remain closed.
I've looked around a bit, and I haven't been able to find any discussion of why this is different on meta, or any discussion on whether this is always a good thing. If this discussion has been brought up before in a meta post, I'd be very happy to close this one. Unless the target hasn't received any answers, in which case I would be considerably less happy about having to do that :)