elixir-framework is a vague and pointless tag. There are currently 145 questions with this tag. Its excerpt is:
Frameworks for Elixir like Dynamo and Phoenix, that leverage the power of the Erlang VM to build high performance and concurrent web applications.
elixir is a programming language. Dynamo and Phoenix are specific frameworks which should have their own tags. Phoenix does (see phoenix-framework), Dynamo currently doesn't but only has 5 related questions, none of which are even tagged with elixir-framework (see the query "[elixir] dynamo").
Burnination criteria
1. Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?
No. It's essentially an umbrella tag for an unspecified set of "frameworks".
2. Is the concept described even on-topic for the site?
As it doesn't describe any specific concept, I'd say no.
3. Does the tag add any meaningful information to the post?
No, it should be covered entirely by tags for the language and specific framework.
4. Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?
No. I'm not even sure it means anything in any context. It could refer to a number of different frameworks depending on context, or something else entirely depending on the interpretation of "framework".
5. Does it cause harm?
It is at best pointless, at worst confusingly vague and used in place of more appropriate tags.
Example of a question using [elixir-framework] instead of [phoenix-framework]