I have reached about 123k users. I was just wondering how this compares to other users on the site.
What is the average of the impact score of all users on Stack Overflow?
The answer is 63,112 give or take a few hundred (the internal algorithm is slightly different, what I used here is the closest you will get with the public available data).
That is based on the score and views as they were last sunday 03:00 UTC.
The median is 957 which might give a better indication for where you are (based on a suggestion from Editor in Chief Peter Mortensen)
You can calculate the average with this SEDE Query:
Select Id
, ParentId
, OwnerUserId
, Score
, PostTypeId
, cast(isnull(viewcount,0) as bigint) ViewCount
Into #Posts
From Posts
Where owneruserid is not null
-- create index ix_id on #Posts(id)
-- create index ix_PosttypeId on #Posts(Posttypeid)
Select Id
, ParentId
, OwnerUserId
, Score
, PostTypeId
, ViewCount
Into #PostsQ
From #Posts
Where PostTypeid = 1
Select Id
, ParentId
, OwnerUserId
, Score
, PostTypeId
, ViewCount
Into #PostsA
From #Posts
Where PostTypeid = 2
and score > 0
-- create index ix_score on #PostsA(score desc)
create index ix_idq on #PostsQ(id)
-- create index ix_Parentidq on #PostsQ(parentid, OwnerUserid)
-- create index ix_ida on #Postsa(id)
create index ix_Parentida on #Postsa(parentid, OwnerUserid, score desc)
select avg(sum_of_viewcount)
from (
select sum(viewcount) Sum_of_viewcount, p.owneruserid as reached
from #posts p
inner join (
Select Id, OwnerUserId
From #PostsQ
Select ParentId, OwnerUserId
From #Posts p
inner join votes v on v.postid = p.iD
Where VoteTypeId = 1 -- Id in (select AcceptedAnswerId from Posts)
Select ParentId, OwnerUserId
From #PostsA
Where Score > 5
Select a.ParentId, a.OwnerUserId
From #PostsA a
Join #PostsQ q On a.ParentId = q.Id
Where a.Score > 0.20 * (select sum(Score) from #PostsA where ParentId=q.Id)
-- And a.Score > 0
Select x.ParentId, x.OwnerUserId
From (Select a.ParentId , a.OwnerUserId, Rank() Over(Partition By a.ParentId, a.OwnerUserId Order By ta.Score Desc) AnswerRank
From #PostsA a
Join #PostsA ta On ta.ParentId = a.ParentId
-- Where a.Score > 0
) x
Where AnswerRank <= 3)
rp on rp.id = p.iD
group by p.owneruserid
) data
I needed to so some juggling due to timeouts I got when I forked of one of my similar queries found here. That is why there are temp tables there with specific indexes.
or 3437 users. According to the new users page, the latest userid is 11817135. To get within one std deviation, you need to sample the square root of the population.