The ratio of votes to views on Stack Overflow in general seems fairly small for both questions and answers. This seems to be true for questions with few votes as well as for some of the most famous questions on the site, such as this one with over 13k votes but a Votes-to-Views ratio of only 0.3%.
So what is the average (and median) ratio of votes to views on Stack Overflow? Can it be broken down to show views from only logged-in users?
Here's a similar question, which has been answered using a SEDE query (nothing I'm familiar with): What is the average vote on accepted answers?
While searching for an answer I stumbled upon a few interesting posts on site mechanics and how the site stats work, including this one which is two-and-a-half years old, has 33 upvotes and still remains unanswered. Why are the "stats" only available for 10k users?
And here's a discussion from around the same time regarding the fact that unanswered questions were over-promoted, driving down site quality. As far as I can tell from my user experience so far, this issue remains valid. The Stack Overflow homepage is over-emphasizing bad questions (and a proposed solution)
As far as badges are concerned, there are three badges rewarded based on the number of views a question receives, but none for the votes-to-views ratio, which is arguably a better measure of quality. Promoting questions with a high votes-to-view ratio could go some way towards balancing the alleged over-promotion of unanswered questions.
And finally, wouldn't it be nice to be able to sort questions based on views?