I'm not a Wikipedia user but came to it lately and saw that on hovering Wikipedia links they show a pop-over tooltip now – which is pretty cool – with an image and some short information. I think this would be useful for Stack Overflow as well to have some kind of expanded tooltip with the questions title, author, views, upvotes, shortened question, comments count, and accepted answer (if any).
IMO this would improve the user experience. Users would not longer need to load question over question in new tabs (as long as there are linked questions, but I came in this situation a few times) and could quickly view and answer or interact with it.
Here is something I put together:
- quickly see if the linked question is old/new
- who posted the question
- which tags does the linked question have
- is it popular
- it shows the answer without actually following the link
- put it on your start-list
- up/down-vote for quick interaction (@)
Besides that this would be nice for links inside Stack Overflow, hovering over an author should also show quick information about the author without actually clicking it (same approach I would say).
Because question and answers are sometimes longer than this small space I have added in the image, I would add a hover functionality where the user can hover over the question and answer which will then expanded. If the user goes to the lower 50% with the mouse the answer will be expanded to full content height. So more text could fit in the content section.
After reading the comments here is my update. I really like the ideas other have and agree strongly to have just a preview, so no answer no up/down votes and other features that belong to the post itself not a pop-over. I have also thought about a way to show that SO links are SO links. People tend to just paste the full URL or use the wrong title in their markdown. So a simple tag could help, like the browser extension 'GitHub Issue Link Status' has it. Here is an updated preview:
Question I used for the preview: GROUP BY lname ORDER BY showing wrong results
MacOS –> Safari –> any link –>
place the cursor on it, and tap (not click) with three fingers on the mouse or touchpad. That opens a popover, and loads the website linked to, in it. Now click in the popover to move it to a fully functional new tab. Other browsers should have that feature too. Poor web, if all the websites out there must provide this functionality by themselves.