The question Inexplicit 'task' in Chrome Performance DevTools was asked by someone, not me. I found it by googling, because I had the exact same problem.
The question was put "on hold" because "unclear what you're asking". I was surprised by that, as I found it crystal clear in its original form.
After a few days, seeing that it was still on hold (actually, it had been closed, but I didn't realise) and that nobody had replied to my comment suggesting to reconsider the "on hold" status, I decided to propose some edits to make it even clearer (remember, I am not the author of the question, but I do understand it and have the same question).
My edit got approved, but the question is still closed.
The "closed as unclear" (or "put on hold as unclear") info box seems to encourage to edit the question to make it clearer. It doesn't offer any option to submit it for review to those who closed it as unclear. There's no option to request to reopen it, either. So I assumed that, by editing it, those who had closed it would automatically be notified of the edits and be asked to evaluate whether those edits make the question sufficiently clear to be reopened.
Isn't that so?
Actually I now see that the person who approved my edit is one of those who had closed the question.
So, is the question still not clear enough?
Personally, the only doubt I had about this question is whether it might be considered off-topic, because it's not strictly about programming or code, but about how to use a tool. But given this tool is strictly a development tool, I think the question is perfectly within the scope of Stack Overflow.
But I don't see how it can be said to be unclear.
I wonder whether:
- those who closed it made the mistake of considering that, because they have no idea what the answer is, the question is not clear enough; or
- they genuinely believed it to be unclear in its first formulation (and let's concede they were right), and they were biased by that initial impression when reviewing the edited version; or
- they forgot to examine whether the edit made the question clear enough to be reopened; they just reviewed the edit as such and approved it
- none of the above. I'm just wrong, and the question is still unclear, despite my edit.