tl;dr: How many flags do we actually get a day on Stack Overflow?
The current, 2019 elections say (emphasis mine):
Due to the size of Stack Overflow (averaging nearly 2,000 flags per day!), moderation can be a significant responsibility - if you can't dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to help shoulder the load, please defer to those who can.
The linked question is dated August 2011 and says (emphasis mine):
in the last 30 days as of the time I am writing this, there have been 26,710 flags. That is 890 flags per day on average.
I initially wanted to look back through the past elections to see at what rate this number was increasing, but was thwarted by the election page text having been retrospectively made to all be the same - from the first 2011 elections to the current, 2019 elections, even though question linked to in the text
is to "Let's disallow nominations from people who've been suspended in the past year" (a proposal) dated February 2016 and so can't have been in effect (publicly, at least) in the earlier elections.
Luckily, The Internet Archive exists so I was able to do some investigation, and found the following:
The first mirror of the second 2011 moderator elections (captured December 2011 - link) has no reference to the number of flags per day.
The first mirror of the 2012 moderator elections (captured June 2012 - link) says
Due to the size of Stack Overflow (with an average of over 1,000 flags per day!)
The first mirror of the 2013 moderator elections (captured March 2013 - link) says
Due to the size of Stack Overflow (averaging nearly 2,000 flags per day!)
Since then the mirrors of the successive elections have said the same thing (about the number of flags per day, at least).
Looking at meta questions like How many new users does Stack Overflow get per day?, I found queries on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer like: New accounts per day (moving average) which shows that the number of new users since 2013 hasn't exactly stayed about the same (I set the moving average to be over 180 days to smooth out anomalies):
I fully get that lots of users register, ask one question, then their account is neglected afterwards, but I would have thought that the number of active users, and therefore the number of flags per day, has also increased since 2013?
Is there some fault in my logic, and/or is the "nearly 2,000 flags per day" statistic wrong?