No. These types of edits should be rejected, especially now that this type of formatting actually results in proper code formatting, and not half-broken formatting.
These types of edits make absolutely no difference on the post itself; the resulting formatting is identical. Not all formatting-only edits need rejection, but these types do. On the topic of formatting-only edits, in my opinion, only redundant ones (that make either no difference on the post display, that're actively destructive, or unnecessarily bold (and equivalently for other formatting types)) should be rejected.
The rest (such as appropriately formatting code, inline and otherwise) should be approved. Although some edits are barely at the 6 char limit, and those are another topic. There's a bunch of additional edge-cases aside these too.
Generally, edits should be constructive, mainly meaning they improve the post in some way. In my opinion, an invisible code-formatting type change isn't in that category.
There is, however, an exception to this: if it fixes broken formatting too. If it just adds code fences, and doesn't fix a problem such as an unformatted starting line, reject it. If it fixes a formatting problem, approve it.