Every user is having "Watched tags" and "Ignored tags". This is an important core feature of SO because the watched tags are also influencing the feed displayed to the user in the frontpage (please correct me if this is wrong).
Recently I have noticed that this system does not satisfy my needs very well because I see a lot of questions from tags which I am only interested in a little bit at the moment. I would like to have a seperation between favorite tags, tags which I have expertise in, tags which I am simply interested in and tags which I want to ignore (this is already available).
So my suggestion is:
We introduce tag groups such that a user can group his tags and show not only tag feeds but also tag group feeds
If this is too complicated we could at least give the possibility to distinguish between favorite tags, watched tags, ignored tags and one optional custom labelled tag box.
Note that this feature request would not harm any existing functionality. Every new user still would start with the two default tag boxes in the sidebar and the same way it is kept for existing users. Nothing would change until you activate this functionality within your profile settings.
What do you think about adding this functionality? IMHO it would be really useful.