The Help Center on Game Development says:
General programming questions more likely belong on Stack Overflow instead of [on Game Development]. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself...
Would a professional game developer give me a better/different/more specific answer to this question than other programmers?
If yes, then feel free to ask it [on Game Development].
It also links to Programming Questions: Here or “Belongs on Stackoverflow”?, of which the top-voted answer also concludes roughly what's mentioned above.
So it's not so much a strict rule as a general guideline.
It also mentions questions relating to: (among others)
- game design
- project management
- the games industry
which would all be off topic for Stack Overflow, probably in their entirety. Although some questions relating to the above may be on topic on Software Engineering, Project Management or The Workplace (but the line between those is beyond the scope of this answer).