I wanted flag some post for its low quality (here is a link). That post is too old (2016), but it contains only error text that is unuseful for most people. But there is no Low Quality flag to be used! At the same time help center says:
Is this will be fixed (added ability to use Low Quality flag) or this flag is forbidden forever and page on help center just hasn't been updated properly?
Additional information
I have thoroughly read this answer, but it cannot help with my question.
OP in that post refers to question that is too old and VLQ(Very Low Quality) flag doesn't appear among of other flags.
Answer in that topic said (citation):
The low quality flag option will come up for zero or negatively scored posts - that's the first indication that a post is indeed low quality (or suffers from other issues).
Another answer said this (citation):
the VLQ flag is no longer available on posts older than 7 days (the precise value may change, but 7 seems reasonable).
But for this example I cannot see VLQ flag, even post is asked today, has -1 score and one edit by its author (at the time my question has been edited). Look at image below:
If there are some limitation with VLQ flag appearing, it would be good to add them to help page center.
This post has 0 score; can be flagged as VLQ
This post has -1 score; cannot be flagged as VLQ
Both questions asked today.
(I didn't flag it, just look for available options) there is no option fo Low Quality flag. I think it is a bug.