For a start, you are to be heartily commended for two things.
Firstly, for recognizing that the problem is in yourself. That's freaking HUGE. That takes really impressive levels of self-awareness, and that can only be a good thing.
Secondly, for attacking the question, rather than the asker, at least in the question you have asked here. While some of the attacks (for example, "lazy") do project onto the asker of the attacked question, you at least made a strong effort to distinguish between the two.
But that does not answer your whole question.
"what to do when you run into [...] homework dump questions" - has been answered by most answers here. This is a reasonably trivial question, with the trivial answer: if we can't say anything nice, then we are required to say nothing at all. We don't get to excuse ourselves by saying "it's hard".
"How to respond nicely to the likes of this?" is, to me, the far more proactive and provocative question, going to the core of the new "be nice" movement.
So you find a "bad" question. It goes against everything that Stack Overflow stands for. Perhaps a homework question. Or a question where they have given no information. Or off-topic. Or too verbose and filed with irrelevancies like the health of their dog.
But for some reason, you feel you want to respond, and you want to do so in a way that makes Stack Overflow look good, and makes the asker and everyone else reading their question feel motivated to support the Stack Overflow community and contribute positively.
My best effort at a helpful, welcoming response would be something like (using the link from S.L Barth's answer here):
"While homework questions are allowed on Stack Overflow, this one doesn't seem to have a specific question. That makes it hard or impossible to answer here, so I'm afraid it's likely to be removed. But don't lose hope! There's a resource here on how to get help on homework problems, and how to hone them into high-quality questions that will get answers! And don't forget the tips at too! Welcome to Stack Overflow, and good luck solving your problem."