The editor is sometimes nearly unusable when there's a snippet or two in the post, so I wrote a userscript to intercept and block the events that trigger the post re-rendering.
Example screenshots are from this post, which has 3 snippets.
Every keystroke attempts to update the live preview, and that operation is very expensive. Neither the textarea nor the preview respond anywhere near quickly enough, which is a problem for those of us who aren't perfect typers.
The script intercepts the key events in the capturing phase and uses stopPropagation()
to ensure it doesn't reach the textarea, which would result in a re-rendering. Instead, after a key event, a re-render function is put into a setTimeout
which is cleared after each keystroke - so, it'll only run once the last keystroke was more than ~700ms ago. Moving the mouse will also trigger the re-render immediately.
The code:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Snippet Lag Fixer
// @description Prevents post previews with stack snippets from continuously re-rendering
// @author CertainPerformance
// @include*
// @version 1.0
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Milliseconds to wait after typing before a re-render:
const msDelay = 700;
const queueRender = (() => {
// To avoid re-creating render functions every time an event is triggered,
// use a persistent Map of elements to their render functions:
const renderFnsMap = new Map();
let timeout;
const getRenderFn = (elm) => {
if (renderFnsMap.has(elm)) {
return renderFnsMap.get(elm);
const render = () => {
elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', render);
renderFnsMap.set(elm, render);
return render;
// queueRender function: Call render after msDelay or after a mousemove event,
// whichever comes first:
return (elm) => {
const render = getRenderFn(elm);
timeout = setTimeout(render, msDelay);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', render);
const hasSnippet = textarea => textarea.value.includes('<!-- begin snippet');
const handler = (event) => {
// .wmd-input: question and answer textboxes, for both posting and editing
// isTrusted check required so that the dispatched event above isn't caught
const { target, isTrusted } = event;
if (target.matches('.wmd-input') && isTrusted && hasSnippet(target)) {
// All of these events trigger the re-render by default:
const eventNames = ['keypress', 'keydown', 'input'];
eventNames.forEach((eventName) => {
// Must intercept the event in the capturing phase, before the event reaches the textarea:
document.addEventListener(eventName, handler, true);