Consider these two questions : Question 1 and Question 2.
The OP had an initial question regarding the visibility of a method while calling it which was answered successfully and the answer was accepted.
Then, the OP wanted to know what should be done if the method being called was static, a question which he raised in the comment of the accepted answer.( The answer-er replied to that as well )
Probably not satisfied, the OP went ahead and raised the second question.
Is that okay or should it be considered a duplicate of the first one since there is very little difference in the 2 questions.
Also, since the person answering was trying to clarify his doubt in the comments, I felt that creating another question for this was unnecessary.
What should be the action for this :
- Mark as Duplicate.
- Simple Downvote
- Let it be ?
NOTE 1 : Both his questions seem to have the XY problem according to me.
NOTE 2 : Since, this is my first question on meta, please feel free to suggest the correct tags for the question.