Today I came across the following question in python (not linking to avoid meta effect):
in Python, How I represent like this?
I make this:
print('number id {0:1.3}.{0:1.3}.{0:1.3}-{0:1.3}'.format("12345678910"))
result :
number id 123.123.123-123
how I make correct? like this:
number id 123.456.789-10
It was posted by a new user (11 days) and was originally unformatted. This question received 7 downvotes (no upvotes) within ~10 minutes of posting. There were also two basically RTFM comments.
just read basic string formatting first
You told the thing to print the first three characters several times. What do you expect to happen?
I read a lot of python questions, and in my opinion this is not a terrible question. It's not great (I didn't upvote it), but OP described the problem clearly and showed their attempt.
I am wondering what the community thinks:
Is this an unsalvageable, bad question? Does it epitomize the gist of Stack Overflow isn't very welcoming?
I realize now that I wasn't clear enough on my intent on this post. It turned into a referendum on one specific post, but my goal was to spark a discussion about the reaction to the post (not the post itself). I also attempted to give my opinion of the post, without passing judgement on the reaction- though I believe it was interpreted as criticizing the down-voters and commenters (not my intention).
I'm leaving the original content untouched so that the existing comments/answers don't lose context, but if I had to rewrite this question I would have said something like:
It was posted by a new user who is almost surely not a native English speaker. The question received 7 downvotes (no upvotes) within ~10 minutes of its posting. There were two comments, which can be interpreted as basically saying RTFM. The OP responded to the first saying that they had in fact read the manual, but still didn't understand how to achieve their desired result.
I read a lot of python questions and this didn't seem like a 7 downvote question. For example, compare it to this question which only has 8 DVs- among the worst questions I've seen asked here. Furthermore, this question had only 1 CV.
I would have normally considered skipping this question but decided to answer after seeing the strong negative reaction combined with having recently read Jay Hanlon's blog post. Also, the OP showed their attempt and it was clear (to me) that it was an easy problem to solve.
I think that the language barrier was a major reason for the poor reception here. If the poster was a native English speaker, it's possible (not definite) that they would have posed it in a more acceptable manner. My experience (anecdotal) is that most similar difficulty (subjective) questions with cut-and-pastable code are well received if they are well written (without typos, good grammar, etc).1
I am interested in hearing the community's thoughts on this situation? Is this type of question unsalvageable, worthy of being downvoted into oblivion? Is there a consensus on the appropriate action? I understand that there is a concern that answering LQQ can lead to more LQQ but everyone has to find the right balance for themselves. I have found that you can try to show people the right way. Many people take the direction and improve. Those that do not typically do not persist for long as people can see their histories and choose to move on/DV.2