"not an answer" flags can be handled at varying rates, depending on a number of factors that aren't obvious to the flagger. Flagged posts in the moderator queue are sorted first by number of flags on the post and then by the age of the flags. Posts that accumulate multiple flags jump to the top of the queue.
I checked, and the flags you had handled earlier than this one largely had multiple flags on them from other users. They also tended to be "have you solved this?" or "I like turtles" kinds of non-answers, which are easy to judge and delete in seconds from the queue.
Also, sometimes obvious flags can get buried between bad ones (people love flagging answers they simply don't like or think are wrong as "not an answer"), which can block us from seeing your flag until we work through those.
Community review can handle some of these, which further complicates when they might be processed.
And yes, there's an election going on right now to add more people to help.