Burninate request for greatest-n-per-group
Tag description - solely a little sentence with an example.
One of the most frequent stumpers for SQL programmers is to query rows that match the greatest (or least) value over a given group. For example, all details about the City with the largest population per state. You can't do it simply with GROUP BY because the other columns will be ambiguous.
Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?
Questions tagged with "greatest-n-per-group" do not need it as a tag at all. As in the question you would still have to specify how much data you want to return.
It could be described as ambiguous as a question could have "I want the top 30 rows" or "I have a number which can change, I need a query which gets the top records up to that number"
Is the concept described even on-topic for the site?
Kind of, as getting the top amount of rows is still relevant to the question but would need more explanation in the question that what the tag provides itself.
Does the tag add any meaningful information to the post?
No. Like I said in #2 the question would require further information in the question as the tag on its on would not suffice.
Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?
Yes it does, but it is still useless.