I just got a scolding comment on How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing?, saying that answers don't belong in questions.
While I fully agree, I committed this particular indiscretion nine years ago. It was made a community wiki 5 years ago and closed as a duplicate three years ago.
I'm no longer interested in maintaining this question or its answers. Can I disown it somehow, so that I'm no longer notified of comments, edits, etc.?
I understand that Stack Overflow wants things to be maintained forever, and that this is good for users who stumble on it. And for many of my posts, I do update them from time to time. But in this case, I want to move on.
Can I disown a question or answer?
notifications (and I believe this is still true if you delete your comments). So this is not necessarily a tool to get people to stop bothering you for old questions/answers.