Recently the Reopen Votes queue has been overrun with questions that have been closed, then edited by a user who is not the asker after the closure, and their edit has been approved.
95% of the time this happens, this approved edit does nothing to attempt to fix the question's content, but consists merely of formatting tweaks - which has the sole effect of (a) gaining rep for the editor (b) pushing the question into the Reopen Votes queue where shmucks like myself have to take a look at it to confirm that yes, it is still terribad and should never be reopened.
My procedure so far has been to go back to the stupidly-edited question and mod flag them with a comment that the edit is bad and whoever approved it should be review-banned, but seriously... that isn't instant, I have better things to do with my day, and I'm not the one who approved the bad edit and caused the problem in the first place, so why should I have to suffer?
I haven't thought long and hard about this, but I feel that some ways this could be mitigated (aside from review-banning the a**hats who are accepting these useless reviews) are:
- If a question was closed as a dupe, don't nominate it for reopening if it's edited by someone other than the asker.
- If a question is closed, and someone who is not the asker edits it after the fact, show a warning banner on the edit screen - something to the effect of "This question was closed due to serious problems; please do not edit it unless you are certain you can materially improve its content to make it answerable".
- If an edit in the Suggested Edits queue is for a closed question and was not performed by the asker of the question, show a warning banner on that suggested edit for that particular question to reviewers.
Please proceed to shoot holes in my suggestions and/or tell me I'm a terrible human being. You could also provide your own thoughts and suggestions on how this can be addressed, if you're feeling constructive. ;)
Also if there is a better way to deal with bad suggested edits than mod-flagging the offending questions, please advise.