I regularly see questions where the user is talking about batch processing in one language or another, and the question includes the batch-file tag. However, these often have nothing to do with batch as described:
A batch file is a text file containing a series of commands that are executed by the command interpreter on MS-DOS, IBM OS/2, or Microsoft Windows systems.
batch currently aliases to batch-file. I suspect what is happening is that questions pertaining to batch processing in other languages are being tagged with batch by the querents, and this is being "de-aliased" to batch-file.
(For what it's worth, I think the most common misuse is for spring batch, which seems to be an XML-based framework. We already have spring-batch tag for that.)
I therefore suggest - if it's possible - that:
- a tag batch-processing be created for this common 'misuse' of batch-file, and
- the tag batch be unaliased from batch-file, and
- the tag batch-file be renamed (preferred, IMO) or aliased to a new tag, microsoft-batch-language, and
- an attempt to use the batch tag generate a warning suggesting the use of either batch-processing or microsoft-batch-language as appropriate. It should not automatically alias, and should not be permitted as a tag.
Alternatively, how can we educate querents to use batch-file properly?
(My intent with the suggestion is to present a 'solution' as a whole, not to propose four separate solutions. I'm not sure, from some of the comments, that this was clear.)