For answering a question which nobody answered before, I just thought it would be nice to have questions sorted by random. Today, I sometimes go to the last page of the result list for unanswered Java questions. This is page 22712 and goes back to 2008. When taking the newest questions, I'm too slow to be the first person answering (which is not the end of the world, but might be disappointing if someone else's answer gets accepted). If I could pick one from the middle (=random), I would have both a chance for a recent question and enough time for writing a good and high-quality answer...
2 Answers
There is a no-answers endpoint in the StackAPI that gives you questions that have no answers yet (don't confuse with unanswered).
With a bit of Stack Snippet Fu and JavaScript you can happily click the button that will give you a link to a random question out of the collection of unanswered questions.
(function() {
'use strict';
// build api url for an endpoint and its optional parameters
function apiBuilder(endpoint, params) {
var url = '',
urlPath = url + endpoint;
// params.key ='bring your own';
if (params !== undefined) {
var query = [];
for(var prop in params) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
query.push( prop + '=' + encodeURI(params[prop]));
urlPath = urlPath + '?' + query.join('&');
return urlPath;
// build url for /Question endpoint
function apiQuestionBuilder(site, tag, page) {
return apiBuilder(
site: site,
tagged: tag,
order: 'asc',
page: page || 1,
pagesize: 1,
sort: 'activity',
filter: '!9YdnSPuG8'
// do a get on the API for the given url
// and invoke the callback with the JSON result
function API () {
var backlog = [],
// simply push the params on the queue
function cacheget(url, callback) {
backlog.push({ url: url, callback: callback});
// this makes the actual xhr call
function realget(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// handles pending calls by invoking realget
// and resetting the getfunction when
// the backlog is cleared
function handleBacklog() {
var item = backlog.shift();
if (item !== undefined) {
console.log('from cache');
// handle this single item
realget(item.url, item.callback);
if (backlog.length === 0) {
// if the backlog is empty
// use realget for the next call
getfunction = realget;
xhr.addEventListener('error', function () {
xhr.addEventListener('load', function () {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var backoff = response.backoff || 0;
// backoff received
if (backoff > 0) {
// start caching calls
console.log('backoff recv');
getfunction = cacheget;
if (response.error_id === 502) {
getfunction = cacheget;
backoff = 120;
// process pending backlog
setTimeout(handleBacklog, backoff * 1000);
// invoke the callback
});'GET', url);
// calls either xhr or the cache
function get(url, callback)
getfunction(url, callback);
// initially we start with a realget
getfunction = realget;
// return the public api
return {
get: get
var SEApi = new API(); // keep an instance
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
function createResult(q) {
// just add the link
var a = document.createElement('a'),
res = document.getElementById('result');
a.innerHTML = q.title;
var cd = new Date(q.creation_date*1000);
a.title = cd.getFullYear()
+ '-'
+ cd.getMonth()
+ '-'
+ cd.getDay()
+ ' | score: '
+ q.score
+ ' | views: '
+ q.view_count
a.href =;
function getRandom(tag, max) {
// get a random one-page no-answers result
SEApi.get(apiQuestionBuilder('stackoverflow',tag, getRandomInt(1, max)), function (data) {
if (data.items && data.items.length > 0) {
// make sure we see something
} else {
var err = document.getElementById('error'); 'block';
err.textContent = 'no question?'
// get the tag entered and fetch something
function fetchOne(total) {
var tag = document.getElementById('tag').value;
getRandom(tag, total);
// start it all off
function go() {
var err = document.getElementById('error'),
btn = document.getElementById('go');'none';
// call the /questions/no-answers for the total count
function (data) {
if (data.items && data.items.length > 0) {
// if we have that, get a random one
// let's re-wire the initial handler to reduce calls
btn.removeEventListener('click', go);
btn.addEventListener('click', function () {
} else { 'block';
err.textContent = 'no data received'
document.getElementById('go').addEventListener('click', go);
#error {display:none; }
#result a {display:block}
<div id ="error">
<label for="tag">enter a tag:</label>
<input type="text" id='tag' />
<button id="go">Pick a random question!</button>
<div id="result">
What I'm basically doing is first determine how many questions there are in total. That is a value that is returned in the first call to /no-answers
. The subsequent calls fetch a page between 1 and the total of questions. By requesting a pagesize of 1 the solution is simple enough to have your browser generate a random number and use that as the page to fetch. Once the question object is retrieved it is added to the DOM as a link. The tooltip of the link shows the creation-date, score and view count.
There's a site called Dice Stack to get a list of random questions, and you can set some filters too (e.g. site, minimum score, tags, answer status).
For more information, visit its post on StackApps.
However, it does not have filter for date range, so you might often get very old questions.