It has been happening since the beginning of Stack Overflow. It appears, that people will ask a question about .NET, specifically C# or VB.NET. To get more eyes on the question they will tag it with both language tags even though they only want the result to be one language.
The justifications for this seems to be that it is very easy to translate between the two. However, for someone completely unfamiliar with VB.NET (such as myself), even though I could translate it, I couldn't write it so answering my C# question with a VB.NET answer is annoying. As such I wouldn't tag my question with VB.NET.
Going with that justification if I can write code in Java and C#, I should be able to translate between the two and therefore could justify having both languages tagged. This is obviously nonsense because someone answering Java questions doesn't want to read a C# question and answer it. So why do we let this happen between these two tags?
I suggest we clean up the mis-tagging so only the relevant tags are on the question.
If the question is about .NET I suggest we remove the language tags altogether because it would be language agnostic between the .NET languages.
As of right now with the very broad and not very defined search of [c#][]
there are 11700 questions tagged so its obviously not something I can do on my own, especially with a large amount being added each day.