Today something odd happened. A user posted a "question" titled "Beaten daily on the regular" tagged with python and the body repeatedly said:
i am beaten on a daily basis, my name is (name). help me
The question was immediately downvoted (+2/-9) and removed by the Community robot, but I was wondering what we should do in the case this is indeed a person asking for help.
I searched the Internet and there seem to be a lot of people called "(name)". Furthermore I could not find a meme or running joke about a (name) looking for help, etc.
I am wondering what we should/could do in this (and future cases). Although the odds are perhaps very unlikely that this is a person asking for help, I feel a bit responsible to react in cases where there are people that try to find a way out of some kind of hell.
As humans I think we are obliged to react in case there is a serious possibility and simply downvoting/deleting the post is not going to help since the person can be risking a lot by posting here anyway. I'm not saying this is the case here, but in general there can/will be such cases.
Any remarks/solutions to this ethical dilemma?