I don't really like the format, don't think it does a good job of expressing my history, and don't think it fits my personality. I have a traditional, plain text, straight forward resume because that's who I am- I'm not flashy, not obsessed with bragging, and very function over form. And my traditional resume works very well for me, my success rate of both getting and passing interviews is tremendously high.
The new format- definitely not me. I would never have a graphical resume. My resume is a plain .txt file, on purpose. Its short, simple, and to the point. I'm already at the point I need to trim it to keep it to size, I don't want to waste space on graphics and headers. I would never put so much emphasis on skills I've used, because I believe any language or platform can be picked up on the fly (heck, I'm doing that right now). I'd be closer to removing my skill section than bragging about it.
The mix of SO questions and jobs- horrible. An employer might be interested in seeing my karma, as that shows that I'm an active helper on this site. They don't care about individual questions. The whole thing reeks of bragging, and I'm not the bragging type.
Mixing in projects- probably works for some people. For myself, I work 10-12 hours a day. My spare time is rarely spent programming, I'd rather study other fields, play video games, relax with friends and family. I also have no interest in marketing libraries or projects so there's no value to it for me. (I can see this working for other people, so I'm not saying don't let them use it- I'm saying I don't want it).
What I do have- positions at multiple top tech companies, several in senior positions, and lead developer position in at least 1 well known startup. I want to emphasize the positions showing where I've been and the technical leadership I've shown.
The left/right/left/right format- unreadable. I'd throw out a resume that came in to me that did that. I don't want mine to look like that.
Also, as someone who frequently hires for tech positions- this is a horrible horrible format. Here's what I look for in a tech resume: I read the last 1-3 jobs. I skim the rest. I look at the school on it (certain schools earn bonus points) if they're new to the field. If its more than 2 pages, the pages past 2 do not get read- and really past page one doesn't get more than a glance.
With your format- I'd have to scroll all over the place. Not doing it. I'd have to click to read the details of a job. Not doing it. When I see a resume I want key points immediately and either put it in the pile to contact or get rid of it almost immediately. I don't want to interact with it. Your format is less useful as a hirer than a traditional resume.
So yeah, don't want it, don't ever want to see one in my inbox. Either let me have a traditional resume on your site or please delete mine, I'll go through other channels to contact companies.
Also- why is there a photo? At all? Given all the studies showing bias against minorities based on just names, putting a photo there seems both unprofessional (I have never seen a photo on a resume before) and an unnecessary risk of injecting bias. Get rid of it. In fact if you want to do something interesting- remove the name entirely so it doesn't effect their reactions.
for the new one (if it's enabled and public) orstackoverflow.com/cv/${username}
for the old format. It's your choice if you share one, both, or neither with potential employers.