Currently, the reasons to close questions are very, very broad.
You want them to be very broad. You want most closed questions to fit in a handful of categories so that people know and understand the valid reasons to close questions.
What if it was required to enter a 80 character minimum proposal text on what the asker could do to improve the question and make it valid again?
Some people would use that space as intended, and others would pound their keyboard until the close button was enabled. This is not better than the current system, which includes canned close reasons, links to more detailed explanations of the kinds of questions that are on-topic on Stack Overflow, and allows people to leave comments if they want to add specific details tailored to the question they're voting to close.
It would allow us to see many, many more well-written questions, as well as having many of to be protected from false closing.
Requiring five votes to close and allowing people to reopen questions already protects questions from false closing.
Yet other questions that appear to have the exact same ammount of effort put into them are closed for strange reasons.should your question be of the same quality of the top-monthly, it's a crap-shoot as to weather people will close it or not!
Agreed. There are lots of bad questions that don't manage to get closed because it's too hard to get questions closed. As a result, bad questions stick around, and cause problems. Making it much more time consuming to close questions would make that problem worse, not better.