I think the available keyboard shortcuts to format selected text should be also mentioned in the editor advanced help text:
Code and Preformatted Text
Indent four spaces to create an escaped
<pre> <code> block:
printf("%d\n", 42); /* what was the question again? */
Add this:
You can also select the code lines and press Ctrl+K to indent four spaces.
Same (similar) for other keyboard shortcuts like
- Strong text (Ctrl+B)
- Emphasis (Ctrl+I)
- Links (Ctrl+L)
- Blockquotes (Ctrl+Q)
- Images (Ctrl+G)
- Runnable Snippets (Ctrl+M)
- Numbered lists (Ctrl+O)
- Bulleted lists (Ctrl+U)
- Headings (Ctrl+H)
- Rulers (Ctrl+R)
Here's a not so old related feature-request (not a dupe, since there's mainly asked why it's missing, and it doesn't have a concrete proposal, how to document it).
Ctrl + ?