Edit: Shog9 already acknowledged this issue in a comment where he referenced Help us find duplicates efficiently on meta SE. Since that post is about 10 months old and nothing was changed, I'm skeptical about a future fix, but I see no reason not to try.
I believe that the search field used when selecting a duplicate can have its functionality improved. It is definitely not the same as the site search, judging by the different results they give.
As an example, I voted to close Type The nested type CubeRanks cannot hide an enclosing type as a duplicate of nested type cannot hide an enclosing type. To speed up the process, I typed in the target question's title. Here are some screenshots of the process:
Alright, I didn't supply a lot of information yet, but at least use the tags in the question I'm closing: java and plugins (this one is completely unrelated to the question). Instead, I get xsd and xsd, .net and reflection, c# and .net and reflection, c++ and class and nested and forward-declaration etc.
nested type cannot hide an en == PrimeFaces commandButton actionListener not firing ???
Not only that question is not tagged similarly, the words "nested" or "hide" do not even appear on that page. Where did all the questions go? Surely the target question I'm searching for should appear.
Do I really need to spell it out (literally)? If I'm missing the final letter of the title then I get no matches (when such a message appear, the previous search results are left, they don't indicate anything about the current search).
To be fair, the question does pop-up intermittently while typing, but not so often in the 4 visible candidates.
Apparently, I'm not the only one suffering from this. I'm going to call this a bug because of the "blatant incompetence" displayed, but if this is by-design for some reason, then do make it a feature request.
Edit 2: to all the users who post suggestions in the comments: please post them as answers. Telling me ideas in the comments won't help, I'll just say "go for it".
link to Google would yield more accurate results (but of course that would not integrate as nicely).