Tagging on questions is many times flexible - there are overlapping tags which are all relevant to the question and one can choose the least amount of tags needed or all the tags that are relevant (up to 5).
Example 1: (please ignore that it's a duplicate, it's an example)
A standard homework question in C where the user has trouble reading input from a file can be tagged with the following tags:
c file-io input file stdio fscanf readfile ...
Here the help page suggests that file-io contains file and input. I believe that cfile-io and fscanf are the minimum, but I can't feel comfortable removing the others if I see them.
Example 2:
A question where the user is having trouble performing custom painting of some shape in Java Swing (or any other GUI library):
java swing user-interfacepaintpaintcomponentdrawdrawingdrawing2d(<-- what is this?)graphics2dcustom-painting(<-- ?)shapesjpanel(or canvas)...
Here I believe javaswingpaintcomponent are the minimum, but again, the others are not wrong. The help page does suggest not to use the obscure tags I noted (should they even exist?)
What are the guidelines for tagging? Trying to pick the minimum amount and so the most specific tags (fscanf and not stdio, swing and not user-interface), or trying to make the question as specific as possible and so as many tags as possible (adding shape in the 2nd example)?
The help page doesn't give guidance, and perhaps it should.
(If anyone wants to add more examples for other languages/technologies, feel free to edit.)