Mods have the power to delete accepted answers and may be willing to do so in response to flags, but many users, including some very experienced ones, don't know this.
As a result, it's reasonably common to find an accepted answer whose author has expressed a clear desire to delete it - either by editing out all the content from the post and replacing it with "use other guy's answer instead", as in this case, or by posting a comment lamenting that they'd like to delete the answer but are unable to do so. These users don't know that they have mod flags available to them to solve their problem.
In such cases:
- First, review whether the post (or the original version) is actually good, in the sense that you think it is helpful and would upvote it. If so, revert any edits that vandalise it and leave it alone. Users aren't supposed to destroy useful content, even if they authored it.
- If the post genuinely is bad, and the author has either stripped all content from the post or has clearly expressed their desire to have it deleted, then flag the post for moderator attention, clearly stating that the author has asked for the post to be deleted and pointing out where they've said that. A moderator will likely delete the post; I've never had a flag of this type rejected.