On a company page there is a section called "Who you'll work with". When you hover over a person you have the option to View Careers Profile, can this be changed to View CV.
Also can the link be hidden if the person has not completed a CV? Otherwise clicking on the View Careers Profile goes to a page not found. Try it on the majority of SO employees:
As I keep trying this I am noticing some sort of strange bug that happens upon initial load. Subsequent attempts seem to fix the issue but the initial bug still happens, here are the steps to reproduce:
- Pick a company, like this one https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/102968/product-manager-stack-overflow?searchTerm=StackExchange&offset=0&ajax=1
- Scroll to the section Who you'll work with
- Hover over the view careers profile, note the url it is trying to go to shown at the bottom left of the image
- Click the link - result is page not found
- Sometimes clicking back button fixes the issue, other times it doesn't.
Possible fix: instead of stackoverflow.com/... use careers.stackoverflow.com/... Result for Marc Gravell: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/marcgravell?langCode=