It's not entirely clear what you mean, but it sounds like you are referring to either pictures of code or video. In both cases, these are problematic and should not be allowed, for several reasons:
- The contents of images and videos are not searchable (in Google, in this site's search, or anywhere else), which makes it impossible for users to find a post based on whatever is in the image or video.
- We can't copy and debug code that we see in an image or a video. In fact, the code formatting on Stack Overflow itself is often enough to highlight problems in the code, like missing quotation marks (
or "
). That doesn't work with images or videos.
- As Makoto pointed out, the site requires that you post a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example - code sufficient to reproduce the problem - in a question. An image or video doesn't help with that.
- Allowing this would dramatically increase the amount of spam and other nonsense that people would post here.
Good questions are questions that other users can understand. If we can't understand what you're asking, then (1) we can't help you, and (2) the question won't help others in the future. We need you, the person asking the question, to state the problem in a way that we can understand and that allows for an answer in no more than a few paragraphs. Images and video make this harder, not easier.
Edit: The question was edited after I wrote this, and now it sounds more like you want video, possibly even webcasting or screen-sharing features. Everything I said above still applies, with one more point: screen-sharing is not even reproducible or reusable unless it's saved to video, so it becomes useless immediately. Even when it's saved to a video and reused, it suffers from all of the problems above.
, like wechat, which can provide a video not more than 20 seconds, notsite
. Don't get me wrong dude...