For several days now, I wondered why the "need answers" tab for a tag I follow was empty. At first I thought this was a bug, but today I found out it's not a bug, it's a feature. It took me some time to spot (though now that I know what to look for it seems obvious :S):
The reason there's no questions here is because there's a "bounties" filter turned on at the moment (there are plenty of knockoutjs tagged questions needing answers). This is easy to miss, especially in my case: the filter was something I turned on several days ago, and that setting persisted, so when I came to the "need answers" tab a few days after I had forgotten all about that filter.
It's especially tricky, because that particular dropdown exists only on the "need answers" tab, not on the other two sibling tabs.
I'd suggest including a UX / UI hint that this particular filter is turned on, using the familiar pop-out effect of the culprit. For example:
Another alternative that comes to mind is that the relevant dropdown goes back to default in new browser sessions.
And I guess there's plenty of other options too. But there's room for (a minor) improvement here.