Uh, why is there a questionmark tag?
117 questions. Some about this Unicode character: �. An occasional question about some syntax involving ?
(possibly valid? but this is like having a tag for or
). Others...well, as far as I can tell, some questions are tagged this simply because they are questions.
It has no wiki summary, I can't think of a reasonable use for this tag, so...questionmark? We should probably get rid of it. Permanently. I don't think it should become the synonym of anything because it seems to be used for a bunch of different topics that have nothing to do with each other and will continue being a very confused tag containing querystrings and ternary expressions until allowed to die a peaceful death.
So, uh, canhaz flamez?
- The ones about � should possibly be retagged
unicodecharacter-encoding. ?
for Ruby or javascript or any other language that uses a?
in their syntax should probably just lose the questionmark tag.- Any question bearing the questionmark tag for no good reason should lose it.
- Questions about query strings should probably be retagged query-string.
(As a side note: there are three tags for query strings: query-string, request.querystring, and querystringparameter. As far as I know, those three are the exact same thing. query-string is the largest one and the only one with a tag wiki, so that's why I think query string questions should be retagged query-string)
Edited: Thanks, everyone! Wow, that was fast.
a ? b : c
) or the elvis operator (a ?: c