Today I came across the tag forward-slash. It seems fairly pointless to me, as it's used on several unrelated questions that simply involve some use of the /
symbol, e.g.:
- Are unnecessary slashes in a URL bad?
- Lost use of forward slash in windows command prompt
- How do I create and append an image with Javascript/jQuery?
I'd say that having a tag for the /
symbol doesn't add any useful information to the question - for example, we wouldn't have a question-mark tag for questions involving query strings and ternary operators.
Some stats:
- We currently have 58 questions tagged as forward-slash.
- It has no tag wiki.
- It has no followers.
- Of the 58 questions, all have other tags that are more useful in describing the question.
- 55 of the 58 questions are rated 0 or above.