I have a debugging questions, but am not sure if it is on-topic or not. Since some people tend to be uptight about—what are in their opinion are—“bad” questions, I figured I would check with meta first.
There is a closed-source freeware program which I like a lot and am generally content with, but it has one really annoying bug. I suspect the bug is due to using a 32-bit signed value instead of an unsigned value, which should make it relatively easy to fix, but unfortunately development has long since been discontinued, so there is no hope of an official fix.
The bug is sufficiently annoying that I want to dig in and fix it myself by debugging the executable to find the code that handles that value, and make a patch to treat it as unsigned (it may be very easy or difficult, no way to tell without seeing the specific assembler instructions).
I believe it is on-topic because it is a tracing and debugging question. There don’t seem to be any rules that questions are only valid if they involve the source-code, so it should be valid here.
So what do you think, is it okay here or will someone freak out and tell me to jog on?