Well, 2 days ago, a bunch of my flags which have been sitting in the queue for weeks or months were declined, which results in flag ban. Here are the recently declined flags:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/259610/profanity-filtering-profanity-dictionaries-scunthorpe-problem-profanity-ge flagged with reason "Please delete this library rec question.". Apart from it being a libary recommendation question, the answers are crap, especially the accepted answer, and I can't cast delete vote on it, since it is a duplicate target for several question.
How to implement pagination on a custom WP_Query Ajax flagged with reason "Comment to the other answer." with the intention of converting this to comment and rejected. This answer tries to comment on the accepted answer, by specifying the portion of code to be changed.
Using wx.CallLater in wxPython flagged as NAA but marked helpful without action, reflagged with "This is at most a comment." but rejected. The answer only states the behavior, not offering a solution.
I remember that there are more stale custom flags before, but I didn't check beyond page 10 - if a moderator can pick them out, I'd include them in this question.
What should I have done in those situations above?