I just wanna know the difference between Stack exchange and Stack overflow websites.what is difference between posting questions either one of this link?
1 Answer
Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow
Stack Exchange is a network where many communities such as Stack Overflow are connected.
Stack Overflow is one of the 142 Q&A websites of Stack Exchange, for enthusiastics and professionnals programmers.
Follow these two links - they contain the answers to many questions.
Stack Overflow and other programming communities
If you are hesitating between Programmers and StackOverflow, there is a simple way to decide :
If your question is about coding, go on SO. If it's about concepts linked to programming, go on programmers.SE.
Links helping to know which site is for what
Choosing between SO and Programmers
Which computer science or programming SE community should I post in?
Meta Stack Overflow and Stack Overflow
Meta sites are here to answer questions, requests and bug reports about the site itself. So MSO is here to answer questions about Stack Overflow.
Meta Stack Exchange and Meta Stack Overflow
Even if Stack Exchange is the network, it has its own meta. It is used to answer questions that apply to the whole network.
2Also see Which computer science / programming Stack Exchange do I post in? on the Big Meta. Commented May 8, 2015 at 5:23
1@JeffreyBosboom I hope you don't mind me adding it in the answer.– DocteurCommented May 8, 2015 at 5:24