I answered one question and thought I made myself clear, however, someone commented I was confusing the issue even more. Since sometimes I can't express myself properly even in my native language (not talking about English) and it was about 4 in the morning I didn't think I was able to edit the answer properly and decided to delete it in order not to confuse anyone who stumbles upon the answer and can't read my mind. As I woke up, I searched back to it, reread it and I had to admit the commentator was right and it was really unclear what I wrote.
There was one thing that I found a bit confusing to me - when deleting the answer, there was just a question if I am sure and want to delete it. I was half-expecting something like edit summary where you can optionally write your reason why you decided that way, since there is a lot of people who can see them even after deleting. If the deleted answer would completely disappear, it wouldn't matter, but because it doesn't I find it useful to have the option to include your "deleting summary" to people who can see it.
Is there any reasoning behind why you can't add your reason when deleting your own answer (eg "I understood the question wrongly and answered something different", "My answer has too low quality", ...), or is it just that no one thought about this before, or that no one actually cares why you decide that way? I feel it can be a good way to express that you really thought about your answer and other people comments to it. Now deleting your own answer seems like "someone downvoted me, so I delete it".
I have also a second question which may be relevant to the backstory - if I decide to edit and revise my own deleted post (making sure I have it right now), does it act like it's a completely new answer (with possibly seeing the edits), or the comments and score stays there? If it stays that way (eg with the comment about how it's confusing), is it better to leave it deleted and add a new answer, since the comment is (hopefully) irrelevant to the new version? (not that I want to do it in the post that made me think about this, I am just generally curious and would like to know it in case it happens)
I tried searching for both my questions, but I didn't find anything that would answer them. I am sorry if they are obvious for you.