Language designers are very apt to pick common words in English. Certainly the case for the restrict keyword in C and C++, very expressive of what it tries to accomplish. And a Really Big Deal in those languages, the optimizer pays attention to it with a very unpredictable outcome. That generates many questions.
Those designers pick common words like restrict, without paying attention to SO [tags] or other common usages of the word in natural language. To help programmers memorize the word, surely you'll understand why. Words like "for", "if" etcetera were not picked by accident. And the C and C++ communities know exactly what it means. There might be the occasional lost puppy that does know those languages well enough and uses [restrict] inappropriately. Pretty uncommon and such questions never last for very long. That vast majority of questions asked there that have the tag in fact ask about the keyword.
The fact that other programmers that know beans about C or C++ like to use that word as well is not their problem. It is not our problem. They are asking question in English and use English tags. They are not asking a question about C or C++.
And questioners always know how to make this obvious. They never fail to also tag their question with [c] or [c++]. Increasing the odds that they'll get an answer because many C and C++ programmers also know something about [restrict].
So, is there any point at all in preventing C and C++ programmers asking about the keyword? What exactly would the alternative tag look like? Is it their fault that other SO users use the tag inappropriately? Does it make sense to create the [c-restrict] and the [c++-restrict] tags, tags that not a single expert subscribed as favorite in their profile?
Of course not.
If it bugs you then cleanup the tag.