I find the dupe-hammer privilege to be somewhat difficult to use on the tags I look at. I think it's a dupe, so I go searching for an appropriate dupe. The process gets to be fairly tedious with searching and reviewing other questions. There seems to me to be a lot of gray area. Maybe the answer is the same but the question is slightly different. Maybe the question is really two questions, one of which is a dupe. Maybe... So it's a privilege that I use occasionally, but perhaps not enough. Many times it's just easier to jot off an answer than to go on the hunt. I don't feel like it's a particularly useful tool at improving the signal-to-noise ratio.
But it's undoubtedly a codified and legitimate close reason, when used properly.
We have this other close reason that questions seeking debugging help need to have an MCVE (the word must is used, that seems pretty unequivocal).
I can immediately identify a question that I think is asking for debugging help. Furthermore, it's usually a trivial matter, requiring no searching at all, to determine whether or not it has an MCVE, which is pretty well defined. In other words, I think an MCVE hammer would:
- be easier for me to use
- permit me a higher confidence level that when I used it, I was justified
- be a more effective tool at improvement of signal to noise
So why do we have one but not the other?
Is it that we don't really want the MCVE close reason to be used more extensively than it is now?
Or maybe we think, in spite of my opinion, that it's a fundamentally harder decision to make than a dupe?
Or maybe, we're just not serious about expecting an MCVE on these types of questions?
Or dupes are a much much bigger problem than MCVE questions (that's not my opinion, and I think my voting record underscores my opinion, but then I don't really focus on the c++ tag, for example. Maybe they are awash in dupes.)
I believe that I could use such a tool with a higher confidence level (easier to justify my usage), more frequently, with a better net effect on SNR, than the dupe hammer.
Regarding the impact that marking a dupe has on the OP, probably little (in terms of conditioning them to write better questions.) They got their answer, and conveniently enough, someone else did the searching for them.
An MCVE closure does just the opposite: the OP does not get what they came looking for. Instead they are immediately faced with the prospect that "if I want an answer, I'm going to have to improve my question". That strikes me as better conditioning (for future questions) and better learning (for the OP).
As I indicated already, I'm kinda lazy about finding dupes, but if you're feeling a bit ironical, maybe my question is a dupe. Hammer away. It's my first meta question, so it's just karma that it should be closed anyway.
- 5 close votes.bonobo
- 2 close votes, or similar.