The answer is because some questions tagged swift ARE duplicates of some questions tagged objective-c.
First of all, let's keep in mind that we probably haven't been using objective-c entirely appropriately in the pre-Swift era.
Let's take this question for example:
iOS Development - What does in View vs. View Controller?
It is tagged with swift, but it has nothing to do with Swift. It is marked as a duplicate of another question. The other question is tagged with objective-c, but it has nothing to do with Objective-C.
This isn't a Swift question marked as a duplicate of an Objective-C question. This is a question tagged Swift marked as a duplicate of a question tagged Objective-C, but neither has anything to do with the language the user happens to be writing their code in.
The fact of the matter is, I could write a view controller in Objective-C, subclass it in Swift, and hook some of my outlets or actions up to the parent in Objective-C and some to the child in Swift (not saying this would be good, but could), and run into the same exact issue. Should I open a new question tag it with swift and objective-c and get offended when someone closed it as a duplicate? After all, as far as I know there are no questions where someone has experience this problem when writing in both languages!!
But neither tag is actually appropriate. In the case of the Objective-C question, the problem isn't a result of Objective-C code, and the solution isn't to write or modify any Objective-C code. In the case of the Swift question, the problem isn't a result of Swift code, and the solution isn't to write or modify and Swift code. And if any point in the future there's any other language that you can hook up IBOutlets
from your storyboard to your source code, if someone runs into this problem, the problem still won't be because of any code written in any language and the solution still won't be to to write or modify any code in any language.
Most likely, this question's tags should be something like:
And the question it's linked to as a duplicate could/should have the exact same set of tags. So again, in this case, it's not a Swift question marked as a duplicate of an Objective-C question. It's an interface-builder question incorrectly tagged swift marked as a duplicate of another interface-builder question which is incorrectly tagged objective-c.
If someone has examples of actual Swift questions (not just questions tagged swift) that are closed as duplicates of actual Objective-C questions (not just questions tagged objective-c), I'd love to see these examples.