There are over 700 questions currently tagged as remote-server. This is a bad tag, because the phrase "remote server" is redundant. The term "server" already more or less implies that the server is remote from something (typically its clients); there's nothing significant which is added by the word "remote".
Once we remove the useless qualifier "remote", server is not a good tag for most of these questions. (It is perhaps not a good tag at all, but that's a discussion for another day.) It's simply far too broad; it can cover anything from system administration to questions about any number of specific network protocols or tasks.
None of the questions which are currently tagged as remote-server appear to be usefully described by that tag. Many of them are asking questions about how to use, configure, or administrate server software, which is simply off-topic here — these are more appropriate for other sites, such as Super User or Server Fault. Of the rest, most of them are asking questions about how to connect to or interact with a specific type of remote server (often a database, FTP, SSH, or mail server), and hence are better described by tags specific to the task at hand (respectively, perhaps sql-server, ftp, ssh, and smtp).
Please help me retag and/or close these questions.
, there is alsoremote-connection
which is pretty bad (quality) though has far less questions.