If it looks like it was just a mistake and that the edit was made in good faith, edit the question (or suggest an edit) to fix it and then just move on.
If it looks like it was done intentionally to vandalize the post, then flag the post and explain the situation so that a moderator can look into it. If you have noticed a pattern of such behavior you should include information about that when flagging.
As for this specific case, the error was in the original question. Some user tried to edit the question to fix the error in the code. This is completely inappropriate. You should not be editing code in a question to fix errors. The errors being fixed may well be (or be related to) the problem that caused the question to be asked in the first place.
Here the editor of revision #5 was, correctly, reverting the code in the question to match what the author posted.
If you feel that this error is the cause of the problem, and that fixing it answers the question, then post an answer. If not, then a comment would be appropriate. If the author wants to fix it due to it being unrelated to the question, they can.
#include <sdtio.h>
in a novice's C program would cause anything other than a compilation error.