Today, the Stack Overflow Careers box is not being styled correctly when it appears (no special heading font, no background, etc):
The "Jobs Near You" box looks file when it appears:
Today, the Stack Overflow Careers box is not being styled correctly when it appears (no special heading font, no background, etc):
The "Jobs Near You" box looks file when it appears:
Yesterday we changed where the CSS for the Careers sidebar was being served from, and initially I had an incorrect domain name for our CDN. It should be fixed now, but please comment here if you see the issue pop back up again.
Okay found the real culprit (and it was my own mistake, actually). We use Less for developing our style rules, and the client-side less.js for local testing. Part of our deploy process involves using hashes of the source files as cache breakers. There's a bit of javascript to detect whether the stylesheet should be text/less
or text/css
. Unfortunately that script was not stripping out the cache breaker query string, so the <link>
element ended up with something like type="text/css?v=6620c373eab1"
. Chrome will happily ignore the querystring, whereas Firefox and IE will see this as malformed and refuse to pull down the stylesheet.
The fix is going out now, and (hopefully) the sidebar should start showing up normally in FF and IE.