Can some of these inconsistencies be remedied?

http://meta.stackexchange.com behaves differently (somewhat more reasonable I'd say).
I posted a twin question on SE. Note the differences.

== demo start ==

Bulleted list

  • Item 1

    • There should be no extra vertical spacing between Item 1 and this line.
  • Item 2 (but there should be here!)

Reset with </p>:

  • Item 1
    • Just like here: no extra vertical spacing between this line and Item 1.

Reset with </p>:

  • Item 1

    • But not here?

    • Sub-item 2

Numbered list

  1. Item 1

    1. There should be no extra vertical spacing between this line and Item 1.
  2. Item 2

Reset with </p>:

  1. Item 1 1.1 While this is not accepted as sub-item

Reset with </p>:

  1. Item 1
    1.1 With the help of two blanks appended to above line
  2. Item 2. Unlike http://meta.stackexchange.com, no vertical spacing before this item - like it should be


  1. Item 1
    • Aligned top again?
  2. Item 2
  • This is not just a rant, "because I found something". It keeps spoiling my attempts to format nicely and a constant nuisance. Since redesign of the site layout is underway, this would be a good opportunity to slip in a fix. Just ran into this again: stackoverflow.com/a/27144759/939860 Commented Nov 26, 2014 at 19:25

1 Answer 1


I guess we should all learn to type posts in HTML instead of counting on Markdown then:

<ol> <!-- Numbered List -->
  <li>First numbered point.
    <ul> <!-- Sub-Bullet List -->
      <p><li>And The Internet</li></p>
  <li>Next numbered point.</li>
  <li>Very next numbered point.</li>
  <p><li>Distant point.</li>
  <li>Groups with the last point.
    <ul> <!-- Sub-Bullet List -->
      <p><li>And The Internet</li></p>
  <li>A numbered point outside the group.</li>
  1. First numbered point.
    • Hello
    • World
    • And The Internet
  2. Next numbered point.
  3. Very next numbered point.
  4. Distant point.
  5. Groups with the last point.
    • Hello
    • World
    • And The Internet
  6. A numbered point outside the group.
  • 13
    Those paragraphs make me feel sick :( my eyes! Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 15:28
  • 4
    @misterManSam That and the way they're actually parsed into the DOM when wrapping an <li>... *shudder*
    – canon
    Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 20:17
  • 2
    <br /> dude, br... and more realistically, just use separate lists with start attribute.
    – Joe
    Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 20:50
  • congrats.
    – Bergi
    Commented Nov 27, 2014 at 0:48

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