Can some of these inconsistencies be remedied? behaves differently (somewhat more reasonable I'd say).
I posted a twin question on SE. Note the differences.
== demo start ==
Bulleted list
Item 1
- There should be no extra vertical spacing between Item 1 and this line.
Item 2 (but there should be here!)
Reset with </p>
- Item 1
- Just like here: no extra vertical spacing between this line and Item 1.
Reset with </p>
Item 1
But not here?
Sub-item 2
Numbered list
Item 1
- There should be no extra vertical spacing between this line and Item 1.
Item 2
Reset with </p>
- Item 1 1.1 While this is not accepted as sub-item
Reset with </p>
- Item 1
1.1 With the help of two blanks appended to above line - Item 2. Unlike, no vertical spacing before this item - like it should be
- Item 1
- Aligned top again?
- Item 2