two answers with some difference between their publication time
The difference in times matters. Multiple users will often post answers on a question just after it has been asked. The easier the problem, the most likely this is to happen, and the easier the problem, the most likely all answers are going to resemble one another. Unless one answer is a cut and paste of another, there is really nothing to do.
Sometimes someone will post an answer that presents the same solution as an earlier one but will post much later than the earlier one. If it is a cut and paste, then it should be downvoted and flagged for moderator attention as plagiarism. If it is the same solution but expressed significantly differently, there's no problem. There are multiple ways to explain an issue and its solution. Someone might understand the later answer better than the earlier one.
It is when the newer answer posted significantly later than an earlier one is presenting essentially the same solution as the earlier one and does not explain it differently that in my view there is a actionable problem. In my opinion the new answer adds no value to the site. However, in my experience, flags on these posts are declined.